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Pronounced “Uh-LOON-eye”, they are a fair-skinned, large people frequently red-headed or blond. Found in The Borderlands, The Eastern Territories, The Range and throughout the territories on all three continents along the Western Gap, they are the most populous human race in all of Arcadia. While The Cilistine come in a distant, but impressive second, they do not feel as omnipresent as the Alauni because they are more concentrated within the borders of their empire.
The Alauni are believed to have originated in the Eastern Territories - possibly even tracing back to the Ice Mountains, across The Libre Sea. Through migration and invasion (particularly of the continent south of Lorn) they have spread far and wide along The Western Gap with particular concentrations in the south, The Hermit Kingdom and around Well Gate and Far Gate. Many of The Iron Order claim Alauni ancestry.
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