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A highly advanced, hostile race of robots. They are led by Stygath who has been left to rot in a Cilistine dungeon for years now by the Allies after Marten imprisoned him there. A small group of Mechkans who call themselves The Tor (named after their deceased founder, Torgon) have developed into a cult. They refuse to wear the “skins” that other Mechkans wear to look like humanoids and are militant haters of all biological creatures. They continue to gain support and followers. Many of them escaped the EMP blast that decimated Mechka during Marten’s Conquest because they had already escaped Stygath’s reign of persecution by fleeing into the Maag jungle.
The Tor, working in secret with the imprisoned Stygath, have been rebuilding Mechka and reactivating many of its denizens using the backup systems Stygath had put in place long ago. There have been rumors of Mechkans infiltrating other societies by wearing “skins”. Some are thought to be spies while others have done so simply to live a free life that cannot be found in Mechka.
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