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-   T H E  L A N D S  O F  A R C A D I A   - 

While Arcadia is a satellite of a three sun cluster, the crust of its surface often influences the local climate more than that region's exposure to sunlight. In places, the crust can be very thin creating a warm to even tropical or desert climate, while a neighboring region can be covered in ice and snow year round regardless of its north/south position on the planet. The nature of Arcadia's crust also makes for some very tectonically unstable or outright volatile regions, like The Burning Lands or The Pit.


A culturally mixed, technologically and economically progressive land once ruled by The Five – the high council of the religious cult that ruled the land. The Five were led by Marten and after his death the remaining members and their most militant followers scattered across Arcadia. The Borderlands were then brought into the fold as a full Allied member and is the only nation to be ruled directly by the Allied Council.


A long disappeared, possibly mythical, city-state. Legend claims that Pai Gian barbarians invaded and destroyed Tuon; enslaved the Yan people; and subsequently built their great empire from the stolen secrets of the Yan. But all of these events are long lost in antiquity and the truth of them remains uncertain.


The Lost City of Pai Gia was the seat of a great, ancient empire of the Far East with humble beginnings rooted in the coalescing of many barbarian tribes who came together under the leadership of Tar Galf - believed to be a Warrior Demi-God born of a human father and goddess mother. Galf led the Pai Gian peoples to victory over The Yan, destroying their capitol city of Tuon, the center of knowledge and wisdom in all of Arcadia at the time. This victory launched the Great Pai Gian Empire that would last 2000 years.


A chaotic, volatile and dangerous land of craters, bubbling beds, magma pits, volcanoes, molten magma geysers and lava streams. It is incredibly rich with natural resources and consequently many mines have been set up here by both the Allies and Mordak since the loss of Pariah to the Gargoyles. There are few indigenous creatures due to the extreme nature of the environment and seemingly no indigenous peoples, though there are rumors to the contrary.


An uninhabitable land of vast natural resources controlled by The Diamond Isle. Many criminals are punished by being sent to The Pit for hard labor. While slavery is illegal in The East, there are some companies that have been given leave to work The Pit who secretly employ slaves.


A large section of a human populated area of Arcadia that was left in ruin after The G’Atruian War. The proceeding civil wars caused a fracturing of The Eastern Territories into smaller states, most of whom collapsed into chaos over two centuries ago. The remaining states are The Federal Lands, The Drawers, The Neutral Zone and Genetica


A feudal territory to the north of Lorn, renowned for its fine military training and capabilities and historically used as a forward point to observe and defend against threats from the North - primarily The Nephilim.

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